20 May, 2009

Spreaders up, Headstay up.

YO! It's been a busy week or two, but I have had some time to get some important projects completed around the boat. Most notably, the new spreaders are all done and are aloft. They look MUCH better than the old ones, and they won't give me a heart attack every time I go sailing. With the new spreaders in place, I was able to take down the old headstay, which had sustained some damage when I came in to the public dock at Old Sac. Next came pulling off the chainplate which had been tweaked in the same incident that required me to patch the stem.
Epoxy is currently curing in the old fastener holes, and once that's done I'll drill new holes for the new chainplate that I fabricated and slam that bad boy in and it should all be downhill from there.
Unfortunately (or more appropriately - fortunately) I recently acquired a Ranger 23, and that has been taking up a lot of my time... At least I can take that one out sailing!
Anyhow, I need to DL some photos and do a little cyber-housekeeping but stay tuned for a full update of the rest of the spreader action, as well as the chainplate and perhaps a little Ranger fun!


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